The end of April marks the 1st year anniversary of the loss of our beloved father, John Anderson.  Join us for a special memorial episode as we remember his early life, parenting style and effervescent character.  We illustrate our reflections with stories which induce laughter for the most part.  Dad was hilarious, unique and one of a kind.  He was so many things and we cannot remember him justly, without giggling at the things he used to say and do!

In this sitting, we speak about dad for over 2 hours but could have easily spoken about him for a further 4 hours!  There is so much to say about our father.  He was such an influential and important figure in our lives and we are eternally grateful and proud to be his daughters.

We acknowledge that this past year, in particular, has been so difficult for so many of us, with grief, loss, hardship and heartache.  Some may find this episode triggering – if so, do exercise self-care and skip to another episode.

Our aim was to paint a picture of a wonderful man and brilliant father.

We miss you dad XXXXX