Coucou les amies! Today we are answering French Dilemmas! “Suis-Je Le Trou De Balle” or STB for short is basically the French version of AITA! We’ve been answering AITA posts since the beginning of this podcast so it only feels right that we turn our gaze to our Francophone friends to help them out with their troubles. It’s also a great way for us as Expat Immigrants to practice the French language in terms of reading, comprehension and of course speaking! So as always, get ready to brush off your GCSE / A Level French and join us as we take on some dilemmas found on Reddit! Don’t forget that if you’re Francophone and you’d like to help us with our French whilst we help you with your dilemma, relationship problem or anything else that’s on your mind, simply write to us at:

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Kat Insta: @katallthat1

Nat Insta: @tunefultv 

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ExpatImmigrant Podcast is hosted by Kat and Nat, two British sisters living abroad in France. Our podcast is based on sister conversations to amuse, encourage and inspire you. We’re here to accompany you through the highs and lows of the Expat Immigrant existence. Consider us as a home away from home. Tune in for general girl chat, fun, laughter, language learning, answering dilemmas and our own accounts of our experiences navigating life and pursuing a “belle vie” overseas.